A God Perch For Ocean Viewing
Alex Hackett
Alex Hackett
Poetic letters addressed to various manifestations of the North Atlantic in elements of the weather and the sea. The centre page spread depicts a collection of
Scottish shells exchanged for Newfoundland rocks at five different locations at
the edge of the North Atlantic.
The Froth on the Rocks, I can feel you on my tongue energy crying sadly you’ve got the salt of the Atlantic in you
my skin pickles in the aftermath
with punctures hardened
whilst you’re soft with turquoise glow.
Edition of thirteen digitally printed and handbound artist books. Text printed on lightweight pastel blue paper, with a white cartridge paper centre fold printed with colour photographs.
The Froth on the Rocks, I can feel you on my tongue energy crying sadly you’ve got the salt of the Atlantic in you
my skin pickles in the aftermath
with punctures hardened
whilst you’re soft with turquoise glow.
Edition of thirteen digitally printed and handbound artist books. Text printed on lightweight pastel blue paper, with a white cartridge paper centre fold printed with colour photographs.