How Do You Do Bobby Blue
Alix Villanueva
Alix Villanueva
Storytelling as Pollination.
Handmade paper sheets with botanicals and text transfer in an embroidered cloth cover, with a set of handstitched handler’s gloves.
In oil, they sit, my leaves
Inchmeal leach of green onto gold
To make a thick sage-slurry,
Potent enough to palliate.
It’s slow, all this,
But healing takes its own sweet-time.
Commissioned by the POD, Coventry, for 'Scratch the Surface': Mental Health Arts Festival. It was displayed at the Scottish Poetry Library during the Edinburgh Festival 2019.
for consultation only
Handmade paper sheets with botanicals and text transfer in an embroidered cloth cover, with a set of handstitched handler’s gloves.
In oil, they sit, my leaves
Inchmeal leach of green onto gold
To make a thick sage-slurry,
Potent enough to palliate.
It’s slow, all this,
But healing takes its own sweet-time.
Commissioned by the POD, Coventry, for 'Scratch the Surface': Mental Health Arts Festival. It was displayed at the Scottish Poetry Library during the Edinburgh Festival 2019.
for consultation only